Tarot Questions

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Feel free to submit your questions. I will briefly explore one randomly-selected question and respond here. Please note that your question may not be chosen for a response on this page. Please include “White Sage Tarot Questions” in the subject line and send your query to whitesagetarot@gmail.com.


D asks:


“Do you think I should finish off my nursing degree? I started it at the age of 58, and have now done two years, though I deferred this year because of health issues. Now, I’m wondering whether to finish it off part-time and whether I will then have the strength and energy to see this through and work in a hospital after that. I’m trying to follow my life’s dream, but I don’t know whether I can do so.”


As a Tarotist, I felt that the querent was initially asking a question that could be answered by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The Tarot has a wider application. We reworked the question. D agreed that “What do I need to know to successfully follow my dream(s)?” better reflected the information that was being sought and allowed for a broader exploration.


For this question, I used a spread from Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega’s “Power Tarot” called the Outlook Spread. The first card focuses on the outlook for the situation; the second focuses on what/who will help; the third on what this will lead to; and the fourth looks at how the querent will feel about the outcome.


Outlook for this situation: King of Cups – Trust your emotions. Regardless of what happens, be a master of your emotions. The outlook to this enquiry shows success and achievement, but could be in an unexpected area. For example, it might be that the training you’ve undergone so far will be applied to another related field.


What/who will help?: The Empress – Support will come as compassion and tenderness. This may indeed be the type of nurturing support that comes via the healing professions. It may also come in the form of another person or may be qualities that come to the surface for you during this time. Often the Empress’s passion is unbridled and can be overpowering. This passion is yours; use it wisely and don’t ignore the role that emotions and intuition play.


What will this lead to?: The Queen of Swords – reversed – There can be an element of falsehood around the Queen of Swords when she’s reversed. This may lead to thoughts and words that do not truly reflect the situation.


How will you feel about the outcome?: The High Priestess – The High Priestess can symbolize that untapped inner strength. She is mysterious. Her appearance suggests there is something unsaid,  unexplored or concealed. She often tells us to trust our intuition, especially in a position that refers to our own feelings.


Some important questions to ask are:


How do I trust my feelings and instincts to guide my decision?

How will I focus my unbridled passion?

What is the real question?


Your instincts and emotions are key. You are asking one question but might be feeling another. The King of Cups and High Priestess have shown up. They serve as reminders to trust your emotions and instinct. Think of it as something similar to the feeling that instructs you to change directions when you sense something unsafe in your chosen path. Gavin De Becker in “The Gift of Fear” suggests this instinct is one that should be acted on. The Queen of Swords reversed is a reminder that not all things said or unsaid are true. It appears that you may already have the answer to the question about following your dream; it just might not be the answer that you’re looking for.

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    Very very Nice site. Hello and congratulations from Spain

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