Tarot work while I’m away

Over the past few days, while Kelly is working away, I’ve been doing a few Tarot readings.

In the space between the minimal work I’m doing for Kel and the readings I have ‘booked’ (of course, it doesn’t feel like work in this surrounding so I’m not accepting payment for these), I drew three cards of my own, reflecting on the past six days here.

So I thought I’d create a rare post of my own Tarot work AND a summary of my interpretation with statements that pertain to my experience here.

But I also invite you to add your own 2 of Pentacles (see what I did there!) to my interpretation in the comments below. 😁

Ace of Cups: New emotional connections - via astrological learning, Tarot work, and heartfelt conversations (via great food and drink!). Witnessing offerings coming from a place of love, support and compassion. Also seeing the care my wife puts into her craft.

Two of Pentacles: Balancing the work with the daily routines and ‘rituals’ of being ‘on holidays’. Remaining steady and steadfast while choppy seas cause waves in the distance.

Nine of Pentacles: I mean sometimes the Tarot is just being literal. Come on! She could be standing in any of the gardens on this property (I posted a picture that I think proves my point). Trequanda in the background. The vineyards at her back. It is a card of ‘plenty’ and that is certainly a word that would describe this experience.

P.S. It would have been really something if my friend Nero - the friendly 20 year old black cat - had made his way over from the Queen of Wands to the Nine of Pentacles.

Peter White

I’ve worked with the Tarot in some capacity for 40 years. I’ve written for numerous Canadian and International publications and I love teaching in-person and online. When not embroiled in something Tarot-related, I play synths in an 80s cover band, cycle, read voraciously, and am slowly re-wiring myself an award-winning career as an educational leader.


What I hear in the silence


New Moon Eclipse in Libra: A 4-card Spread