New Moon Eclipse in Libra: A 4-card Spread

One of the benefits of editing the audio and video clips for Kelly’s Astrology Podcast is that I get a ‘preview’ of the upcoming astro weather from a fantastic source. I find it helpful since I often use the astrological connection to enhance my personal Tarot work. As of yet, I have rarely committed to sharing it widely.

However, my collaboration with Bonnie on ‘The Tarot Table with Bonnie and Peter’ podcast has changed that. My work has become much more public.

Astrologically, we remain, for a brief period of time, in eclipse season. Eclipses can be a time of endings. The upcoming New Moon Eclipse in Libra in particular has a number of ‘ending’ influences.

It seemed like the perfect time to ‘end’ a relative period of inactivity from Tarot work in public, digital spaces. I have always loved working to integrate the Moon’s place and power into my Tarot practice as I have an affinity with the energy of the Moon. And now, I’d like to share that with you!

Here’s a 4-card spread for the upcoming New Moon Eclipse in Libra.

New Moon in Libra: Four-card Spread

Shuffle your favourite Tarot deck and draw four cards in whichever means works for you.

Place the cards in a space that mirrors the spaces on this spread outline: the first and seconds cards side by side and the third and fourth cards side by side.

Interpret as follows:

Card 1 - What do you need to cut out or end? An eclipse is often a time of ending and letting go, this final one in Libra in particular. This card represents something or someone that might have overstayed their welcome in a current situation.

Card 2 - What is unclear or uncertain right now? An eclipse is a time where light is blocked and things lack clarity. This card represents such a situation.

Card 3 - Where do I need to remain or become true to myself? At times where regular patterns are disrupted, it is important to stay ’true-to-centre’. This card represents an area or situation where we need to remain authentic.

Card 4 - Where do I need to fairly and equitably balance my needs with those of others? Both Libra and Justice highlight themes of fairness and equity, which are different from sameness and equality. This card represents a situation where a focus on getting yourself and others what is needed (which might not be an equal, but will strive to be a fair, distribution of resources.)   


Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or just to tell us how you went.

If you like my work, then you’ll be happy to note that I will occasionally post these spreads here on my website. However, the ONLY way to guarantee you’ll receive every one of these spreads in time for the New and Full Moon is to sign up for my NEW bi-monthly newsletter.

To do so, simply click on the ‘Sign up here!’ button below!

It’s free. It’s easy. You’ll be kept up to date on any new courses, offers, and webinars.  And you’ll get a ‘Moon Spread’ delivered right to your mailbox bi-weekly, just in time for you to do some lunar Tarot work of your own! So sign up today!

If you want even more detailed astro weather to go along with your Tarot work, why not joins thousands of others and check out Kelly’s Astrology Podcast, available wherever you stream your favourite podcasts.

Peter White

I’ve worked with the Tarot in some capacity for 40 years. I’ve written for numerous Canadian and International publications and I love teaching in-person and online. When not embroiled in something Tarot-related, I play synths in an 80s cover band, cycle, read voraciously, and am slowly re-wiring myself an award-winning career as an educational leader.

Tarot work while I’m away


Working with the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces